Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Both the meadow and forest clearings were full of the most amazing toadstools! These were near the edge of the back meadow, definitely big enough to protect fairy tale creatures from the rain.
It's difficult to judge size from the picture, but I would estimate 12 inches high and as wide.

First weekend in the house

The car was packed solid and Casey had to sit on my lap the whole way to Ft. Bragg. Three hours with a 50 lb dog keeping me cozy! But we now have the basics...2 comfy chairs, 2 bar stools, a dining room table and bench, plus odds and ends of cooking utensils. We purchased a bed in Ft. Bragg. IKEA, our garage and thrift stores will do for most things but we need a good bed. Check out Flo Bed in Ft. Bragg, heaven!


Friday, October 21, 2011

I rarely read manuals

I rarely read manuals, I would rather learn by jumping in with both feet and just doing. So, this blog will be a work in progress. You are a companion on my journey. Gardening is the same way for me. I put my hands in the dirt and learn from my mistakes. It is much more interesting to research what went wrong, and wondrous to experience what goes right. Additionally, I have been able to accomplish things that the experts said shouldn't work...all because I didn't know not to try it.

Ft. Bragg will be no different. I will garden, and exactly what form it will take will be discovered along the road.

This weekend is our first in the house, I can't wait! Stay tuned for pictures and the story.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The beginning...

My husband and I have been talking about a second home for a decade. After endless conversations about where, must-haves, want-to-haves, dream-haves and even do-we-really-want-this-at-all things moved at breathtaking speed and we did it. We are now proud owners of a second home in Ft. Bragg, CA.

Our list was personal and included elements important to each of us:
Close to the ocean
Lots of hiking trails and open space
Mix of sun and shade
Land to garden
Community with volunteer opportunities
Good grocery store
Good restaurants
House in good condition
Not too far from the SF bay area

We are both still working and will keep our home in the East Bay, but see this as a possible retirement home. This blog will be a diary of our adventure.

What sold us was the meadow. The house sits in the middle of a very large meadow with lots of sun. It is surrounded by trees and has a creek on the property. Although the meadow is full of pocket gophers (there will be more stories later on those), I am optimistic that we will prevail eventually. Meanwhile I will leave well enough alone and install a barn owl box.

A meadow is symbolic, a clearing and opening. When we first saw the property, we had a connection which was special. As we start a new phase of our life together (my husband will retire next year), this seems appropriate.