Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Recovery time

What a wonderful place to recuperate, recharge and heal.

I realized that it doesn't quite feel like our own yet or like home. The setting is beautiful and relaxing but the house is not quite right yet. We met with a painter to discuss new paint for the inside and refinishing the outside redwood siding. New paint and carpeting, plus some more personal items will make a difference.

Meanwhile I am walking without a cane only 2 weeks after hip replacement surgery.


  1. This is truly gorgeous, very peaceful and you will enjoy decorating to make it your own :D

  2. Hello and thank you for visiting. We are enjoying our "cabin" near the coast for weekends and holidays. It's only a half mile from the beach but in the sun belt so frequently out of the fog. It continues to amaze us with the variety of critters we see; foxes, quail, deer, beer, bobcat, and a mountain lion have all shown up on our "secret" animal camera. You can see some of the videos on my Facebook page (link on the blog below).
    I am not currently posting on this site and have another blog going:
    Please come and visit. I'd love to have you as a regular.

  3. that's fantastic about the walking without a cane after your op. re-decorating is always fun - at least when it's finished. good luck! cheers sherry x

  4. Gpod luck with everything, especially with your health☺☺

  5. Liz, I keep checking ioin on this blog and wondered if you have another one?
    Let me know, please :-)
    Tina at Squirrel Head Manor
